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For help with koalas in need 24 hours / 7 days per week, call our rescue team on 0401 350 799

...We need to do more to ensure the survival of koalas for future generations.

Pine Rivers Koala Care

Pine Rivers Koala Care

For help with koalas in need 24 hours / 7 days per week, call our rescue team on

0401 350 799

Next Meeting

Our meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of the month at Club Pine Rivers (second floor).  Start time 7.00pm, finishing at 8.00pm followed by networking and catchups. 

Mission Statement

Pine Rivers Koala Care Association Inc. is a voluntary organisation working together with the Moreton Bay Regional Council, the Environmental Protection Agency and the RSPCA to create a safe living environment for the koala population of the region to ensure the survival of the koala into the future.

Our mission is to prevent the destruction of koala habitat and to reverse the decline of koala and other wildlife numbers by the following methods:

  • A public education program designed to ensure that both the residents of the region and members of the business community take steps to protect koalas and their natural habitat. Furthermore, to educate everyone within the region regarding the correct procedures should they find an injured or sick koala.
  • Lobby representatives at all levels of the Local, State and Federal Government to ensure that the koala and the koala’s natural habitat are protected and expanded.
  • Provide a 24 hour wildlife rescue and rehabilitation service.
  • Provide an emergency rescue service to ensure that sick and injured koalas plus other wildlife receive professional care. Retrieve the bodies of dead koalas for autopsy and data purposes.
  • Work towards ensuring the rehabilitation of sick, injured or orphaned koalas and their return to a safe habitat.
  • Provide spotter catcher services and other supportive services in accordance with relevant legislation.

...statistical evidence gathered to date indicates that the koala is in serious trouble.